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Stratumsoft begun with an idea and an inspiration to provide products that could help others accomplish their goals in a quick and easy way. It was borne out of the bare necessity that testing tools should be
“User-focused and not technology focused”.
After years of building and testing Web-services based applications and fighting the challenges associated with them, we recognized this need to develop a functionally powerful and fun to use tool that can help testing Web Services applications easier.
Yes, we can read what you are thinking – “There is already this or that tool that does so much! Why another testing tool for Web Services? Why re-invent the wheel?” The short answer is of course “because we can make it better!”
We created Examine, our web-based Web Services testing tool with integrated and useful XML tools with the goal of providing a viable alternative to the current desktop-based GUI tools. Our motto is ‘Do more with less!’ We are quite sure that you will enjoy a new perspective and design in a tool that helps you do more with a less cluttered and usable interface.
Who we are​
We are an experienced team of Software Engineers and Testers with many years of experience in building, testing and supporting server-side applications, especially Web Services-based systems. Our team is distributed; with our core management and engineering team located in Bangalore, India, while some of our engineers are based off of the United States. Being a small, but growing company we are very agile and iterate fast with the primary goal of shipping quality and effective software.
Management Team
​Dr. S. Gunasekaran, Ph.D ., PGDM
With over 30 years of career spanning across R&D, Project Management, Technical Consultancy and Services in MNCs such as GE and Aditya Birla Group, Dr. S Gunasekaran brings an impressive set of credentials and provides day-to-day management advice and guides the operations of Stratumsoft.
B.Vasanthakumari, MA, D.LL & AL
Mrs.B Vasantha has to her credit over 25 years of experience in international marketing and Business administration in various levels in Private and Govt. of India Public sector undertakings.
Office Members
Project Coordinator : G MuraliKrishnan B.E., MS (CSE) USA
Project Manager : G Mahesh B.E., M.Tech (CSE)
Human Resources (HR): G Divya M.Com., (Masters in Intl. Business Management)

Values & Commitment
Stratumsoft believes in strong fundamental business ethics and culture - Honesty, Passion, Commitment, Transparency and Trust.
Customer First
We strongly believe in putting the customer first and are dedicated to satisfying our customer’s needs. We promise to listen to all requests and suggestions from our users and will strive to exceed all expectations in quality, features and affordability.
Quality Driven
We will strive hard to provide you with “best-in-class” products and promise to innovate continuously with passion and perseverance without compromising on Quality.
Innovate & Inspire
Our leadership is based on the strength and talent of our employees who are always looking to innovate and inspire others to accomplish more and bring out the best in them. We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts and that by working as a team we accomplish more.
Technology Roadmap
Stratumsoft aims to adopt and upgrade its technology base with advanced design and development strategies to build user friendly and cost effective software solutions. The development of the next-gen versions Web Services’ testing tools are underway and will get released as and when they are test verified and approved by our QA team. Here, we promise to avoid “Software Bloat” and deliver only the features that would best serve our customer’s interests.