A new, feature-rich, intuitive and awesome Web Services Testing tool!
Try out a Trial copy or you can Purchase it by Contacting Us !
SOAP Testing

Local and Remote WSDL based SOAP testing
SOAP Scenarios that group Request, Response, Security and Test Case configuration
Per soap scenario WS-Addressing, WS-Security configuration, SSL configuration
Use WSDL-based WS-SecurityPolicy for WS-Security testing
HTTP and SOAP/JMS testing
SwA/MTOM attachment support
Security configurations

Strong WS-Security support for SOAP Testing
Reusable global WS-SecurityPolicy and Non-Policy configurations
SOAP Scenario specific policy and non-policy configurations
Global WS-Policy Management

Import and edit WS-Policy files
Use WS-SecurityPolicy files for applying WS-Security to SOAP scenarios
Miscellaneous features
Email and Jabber/IM integration for notifications
User Management
Administrator vs Normal user roles
Manage user sessions
And much more...
REST Testing

Simple but powerful REST testing
Rest Project with Root and Sub Resources
Per resource ssl, attachment setup
Per resource test case configuration with default assertions
WS-SecurityPolicy-based security configurations

Use policy in WSDL for automatic security enforcement
Reuse existing WS-SecurityPolicy across SOAP Scenarios
Configure Request/Response/Request+Response policy enforcement
Keystore Management

Import keystores (.p12, .jks)
Manage private and public keys (X.509 certificates)
Unified keystore access for both SOAP and REST testing
Test Suites

Create Test Suites for both SOAP Scenarios and REST Resources
Simple and Cron-based persistent schedule
Test Suite completion email notification
Non-Policy security configuration

Setup WS-Security manually
Configure Request only, Response only or Request+Response security
Reuse global configurations across SOAP Scenarios
Built-In STS Integration

Issue SAML 2.0 Tokens
Configure WS-Security for WS-Trust RST and RSTR
Unique STS endpoint for each user
Enable/Disable STS service on-demand
Integrated Testing Tools
Examine comes with some frequently needed and useful testing tools that make working with Web Services more easier! You won't need to fire up your heavy-weight XML Editor for doing everyday testing tasks!
XML Schema Validator

Validate XML content against saved XML Schemas/ Validation Scenarios
Create Schema Validation Scenarios that combine multiple schemas
Upload and manage single XSDs or XSDs with relative imports/includes
XML Schema Instance Generator

Generate XML instances from XML Schemas
Select from available Schema Root Elements
Configure XML generation options like Optional Attributes, Elements, Max depth etc
SAML 1.1 Token Generator

Quickly hand-craft a SAML 1.1 Assertion to test SAML-based services
Sign generated Assertion using pre-configured Keystore
XPath 1.0 Evaluator

Test XPath 1.0 expressions against XML content
JSON to XML Converter

Convert JSON string in BadgerFish / Mapped Convention to XML
Configure BadgerFish / Mapped convention options
WS-Trust STS Client

Small Heading
Create and Send WS-Trust RequestSecurityToken (RST) requests to STS Endpoints
Configure RST request elements
Use STS Endpoint WS-SecurityPolicy to enforce WS-Security for RST and RSTR
XSL Transformer

Quickly test XML transformations using XSLTs
Save XSLTs to do XML transforms later
XML to JSON Converter

Convert XML to JSON using BadgerFish / Mapped Convention
Configure BadgerFish / Mapped convention options