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A new, feature-rich, intuitive and awesome Web Services Testing tool!
  • Why buy Examine for Web Services Testing?
    Examine is a new, intuitive, feature-rich and easy-to-use Web Services Testing tool that was built from the ground-up using some excellent best-in-class frameworks like Apache CXF and Vaadin. Great features: Examine provides very good support for testing SOAP and REST-based Web Services and comes with convenient built-in XML tools that will complement your Web Services testing well. Check out the Examine product details page for a list of all available features! Easy installation: Examine is a Java-based Web Application that is deployed in the Jetty web server. It is extremely easy to install! Just download and extract the zip file in the location of your choice and start the product using the provided shell scripts. Just make sure you have Java 1.6 installed and the java executable is in the path. Multi-User Support: Examine provides multi-user support. This means that more than one user can login simultaneously and use the product in different ways. All the user-created assets like WSDLs, Keystores, Policies, Schemas etc., are stored in a user-specific location on disk in a configurable directory. For more information on the concurrent access feature, please see the question below on how many users can access Examine simultaneously. Centralized one-time install: Being a web application it is accessible from any client system using just a web browser! This means you only have to install Examine once on a separate networked computer and give the application access URL to all members of your team! Each person can login and use the application with just their web browser. This makes accessing all your projects, test suites and files from any remote system without having to install the product and import the files as you would have to do in other desktop client tools. Database-based storage: Examine stores almost all application data in an HSQLDB-based database to ensure data integrity and enforce constraints on the different assets created by the user. So it is as simple as clicking on "Save" in the GUI to store the different assets you create in Examine. There is no need to export the files like the projects to your local file system. Just save your changes and login back anytime to access your files.
  • How does the licensing work?
    You can download a 15-day fully functional trial of Examine. If you would like to extend your trial, please email us at and we can provide you with an extended duration license. In the trial mode, Examine allows unlimited concurrent user access. By default, there is one built-in user with the username ‘admin’ and password ‘admin’. This account does not count towards the user-limit. (Make sure to change the default password after you install the product and login the first time!). Examine is licensed on a per-user basis. When you buy a license for Examine, please specify the number of users who will be using the application. The application license is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. The number of concurrent users who can login to Examine is controlled by the license. For e.g. if you expect 10 users to use the application, but purchase only 5 licenses, then at any given time, a maximum of 5 users can be logged in simultaneously. If an additional user tries to login, they would have to wait until one of the logged in users logs off or their session is terminated by a user in Administrator role.

  • How many users can access Examine simultaneously?
    An Examine user is a single person in either an Administrator or Normal user role who can login and use the application. Examine allows multiple users to login simultaneously and use the application without any conflict with other logged in users. The number of users who can login concurrently depends on the license in use. Please see the question on how Examine licensing works.
  • I have a question and this FAQ does not answer it!
    Please send us an email at and we'll respond as soon as we can.
  • Is it open-source? What license is it distributed under?
    Examine is a commercial software product and the source code for Examine is not open-sourced. We do hope to release some its components like the Schema-based XML generation functionality under an Open Source license sometime in the future. Please make sure to read the End-User License Agreement (EULA) on the product details page to understand the user obligations when using the product.
  • How can I update the license?
    Once your trial or your current license expires, Examine will run for 30 minutes before it automatically shuts down. This gives you enough time to apply a new license by logging into Examine and going to the Administration->License configuration page. Applying a new license will remove the time and user-limit restrictions immediately without the need to restart Examine.
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